Traverso 0.42.0

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Traverso 0.42.0
Traverso is a GPL licensed, cross platform program for recording and mixing music, speech, and sounds on the computer
It supports many audio file formats, including MP3, FLAC, WavPack, AIFF and many more. Mix audio files, independent of the sample rate, due the support of on-the-fly sample rate conversion! With it´s revolutionary Interface, common editing tasks can be done many times faster then similar programs, due the reduced need of moving the mouse (over long distances)
Effects, Tracks and AudioClips can be added/imported during playback, giving the ultimate flexability to experiment, while working with a stable and responsive system! Traverso is extremely suited for radio broadcasting and podcasting, has unlimited un/redo support and a powerfull backup restore function to go back to any saved state.

Traverso 0.42.0

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