WinMount 2.2.2

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WinMount 2.2.2WinMount 2.2.2 programi bircok arsiv formatini (zip rar 7z gibi) sanal bir surucu olusturarak bir yere cikartmadan direk dosyalarin kullanilmasini saglar.Program sanal surucuye deamon tools gibi mount ettigi icin cikartmadan direk islem yapabiliyoruz.

WinMount is a powerful windows utility which is dedicated to managing compressed archives and image files impressivesly and conviniently. It can be used to mount ZIP, RAR, ISO,etc archives very fast, which enabling you to use the files inside it directly without needing extract it beforehand. Such convenience, therefore, saves your time and disk space dramatically. In addition, WinMount, serving as a CD-ROM OR DVD-ROM emulator, supports almost all image file formats, which including but not limited to ISO, CUE/BIN, CCD,BWT, MDS, CDI, NRG, PDI B5T and ISZ.

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Size: 2.69 MB

WinMount 2.2.2

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