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IE7pro Final Internet Explorer 7′nin ozelliklerini gelistirmek icin ucretsiz bir eklenti olan IE7 Pro‘yu yuklemenizi oneririm. Gercekten guzel bir yazilim. Reklam filtresi, fare hareketleri, gelismis surukle birak gibi yararli ozellikleri mevcut. IE7Pro ‘yu yuklemeden once ozelliklerine bakmak isterseniz buradan bakabilirsiniz.

IE7pro is an add-on for IE 7 which adds lots of features and extras to make your IE easier, more useful, secure and customizable. You can use IE7pro as Tab Management, AD Blocker, Flash Changes in IE7Pro v2.2 (3/31/08)
1.Added Support for Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1
2.Added support for Left Mouse button in Mouse Gestures.
3.Open module API
4.Support block https AD
5.MiniDM now shows details of the current download jobs in the tip from tray icon
6.New Action: Go to parent directory
7.Livebookmark can recover last version
8. Update switch from backgroud to page mode.
9. Fix Bug: Adblock change “<>” to “<<”
10. Fix Bug: “javascript:” alike url don’t pop new tab

IE7pro Final Internet Explorer 7′nin ozelliklerini gelistirmek icin ucretsiz bir eklenti olan IE7 Pro‘yu yuklemenizi oneririm. Gercekten guzel bir yazilim. Reklam filtresi, fare hareketleri, gelismis surukle birak gibi yararli ozellikleri mevcut. IE7Pro ‘yu yuklemeden once ozelliklerine bakmak isterseniz buradan bakabilirsiniz.

IE7pro is an add-on for IE 7 which adds lots of features and extras to make your IE easier, more useful, secure and customizable. You can use IE7pro as Tab Management, AD Blocker, Flash Changes in IE7Pro v2.2 (3/31/08)
1.Added Support for Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1
2.Added support for Left Mouse button in Mouse Gestures.
3.Open module API
4.Support block https AD
5.MiniDM now shows details of the current download jobs in the tip from tray icon
6.New Action: Go to parent directory
7.Livebookmark can recover last version
8. Update switch from backgroud to page mode.
9. Fix Bug: Adblock change “<>” to “<<”
10. Fix Bug: “javascript:” alike url don’t pop new tab

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Size: 2.25 MB

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