Amaya 10.1 pre 4

Program indir Yorum ekleyin

Amaya 10.1 pre 4 programi web sitesi duzenleme ve sayfada gezinti araci olarak kullanilan acik kaynak kodlu bu program ile kendinize web sitesi hazirlayabilirsiniz. Hazirladiginiz web sitelerini hosting sunucularina gonderebilirsiniz. Program ayrica XHTML, CSS, MathML (.mml) ve SVG (.svg) dosyalari ile calismanizi destekler.

Amaya 10.1 pre 4 software is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.

Yapimcisi :

Amaya 10.1 pre 4

Yorum Yazin

Web Sayfamizda Yasalara Aykiri illegal Herhangi Bir Yazilim Yoktur.
Editorleri Tarafindan Eklenmesine Kesinlikle Musade Edilmez.

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