BurnInTest Professional 5.3 Build 1028 programi ozellikle bilgisayar donanimlari ile ilgilenen kisilerin kullandigi donanin test yazilimidir. Bilgisayarinizin islemci harddisk, cdrom, cd yazici, ses karti, grafik karti, Modem , yazici veya Ram gibi bir cok donainimini test edebilirsiniz.
BurnInTest Professional 5.3 Build 1028 software is a software tool that heavily loads all the major subsystems of a computer with the aim of thoroughly exercising the hardware in a PC in a short period of time. BurnInTest tests the CPU via mathematical operations and SIMD calculations, hard drives, RAM, CD ROMs, CD burners, DVDs, sound cards, 2D graphics, 3D graphic, network connection, printers and video playback. This can all be done simultaneously as the application is multithreaded. The Professional version also has a number of additional features such as tape drive testing, USB port testing, USB 2.0 port testing, Serial and parallel port testing with the use of loop back plugs.
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