SoliCall 1.5.1 programi bilgisayariniz ile internet uzerinden skype, msn, yahoo messenger veya google talk ile sesli olarak gorusme yaparken arkaplandaki seslerden kurtulabilmeniz mumkun. Klavyenizmi takirdiyor? telefonunuzmu caliyor? cocuklariniz diger odada gurultumu yapiyor? ve siz bu seslerden kurtulmakmi istiyorsunuz? o zaman hepsini disari atin puahah yooo yooo durun sadece solicall programini kurun ve bu seslerden kurtulun. Ayrica programin ses kaydetme ozelligide vardir. Tum Kralprogram ailesine tavsiye ederim unutmadan programin ucretsiz oldugunuda belirteyim..
SoliCall 1.5.1 software is has developed an innovative and original software that will help VoIP users to reduce unwanted noises during calls, in real time. Screaming kids? Barking dogs? Keyboard ticking? With SoliCall it will sound less disturbing than it really is. SoliCall is aimed at improving the sound quality when making any type of VoIP call e.g. PC-to-PC, PC-to-Phone. SoliCall is designated to reduce ambient sounds that the speaker may have. Its noise reduction performance can be enhanced by tuning it to a specific speaker. SoliCall can also screen the incoming audio.
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