Sweet Home 3D 1.3.1 yazilimi acik kaynakli dagitilan bir mimari tasarim programidir. Bu program ile evinizi cizebilir, esyalarla doldurabilir, duvarlari boyayabilir ve yazilimin katalogundaki yuzlerce esya ile kendi evinizi istediginiz gibi tasarla hizlica ev plani olusturabilirsiniz. Tasarladiginiz evinizi 3 boyutlu havadan yandan vs.. gorebilirsiniz. Ev dizayn etmek ve Hangi esyanin nereye daha uygun gorunecek gibi karar veremeyenlerin imdadina yetisiyor. Program java tabanlidir ve cok kullanislidir.
Sweet Home 3D 1.3.1 software is helps people to design their interior quickly. The user may: draw the walls of his rooms upon the image of an existing plan, change the color or the texture of the walls, draw dimensions, drag and drop furniture in the plan from a catalog organized by categories (living room, kitchen), import additional 3D models created by himself or downloaded from different Web sites, change the size, the orientation and the elevation of each piece of furniture with the mouse, view the changes in the plan simultaneously in the 3D view, either from an aerial view point, or from a virtual visitor view point, print the home plan and the 3D view.
Yapimci: http://sweethome3d.sourceforge.net